A Challenger Appears

Hey there! I’m the new girl.. ah well, I’ve been told I’m not allowed to call myself that anymore.. OK, I’m Chantelle. I’ve just started my first week as a junior programmer! It’s been pretty great so far. And in the midst of playing card games and dodging nerf bullets, I’ve been set to work on bits and pieces for the PC version of Newton vs the Horde. Of course.. being new I’ve managed to break everything I’ve touched. It’s safe to say that all the bugs I’ve been fixing are a result of my own inexperience. But it’s a learning curve, right?

Everyone’s been hard at work on the various projects going on. But everybody’s taking time to help me when I’ve frequently asked for it, and have made me feel more than welcome.. and let’s not forget all the cake that’s been eaten! Carrot cake, coffee cake, bakewell tarts! So on that note, I’m going to scavenge for some tea and swot up ready for another day of work!

The Newbie

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